drag racing
- 拉力赛;直线加速赛;短程高速赛车;减重短程高速汽车赛;街头飚车(汽车)

I thought we might go and see some drag racing on saturday .
The Tolerance Limits of Social Risks & Response of Criminal Law to the drag racing case in downtown
Some people may feel " crazy drag racing ," the design appears to be too conservative , not avantgarde .
In addition to drag racing accident occurred incentives driving behavior , is that drinking and driving to traffic violations .
On the one hand , drag racing on the street has endangered many of the innocent pedestrians and drivers .
An eight-year-old girl has died after crashing her junior drag racing car on a track in Western Australia .
An automobile specially built or modified for drag racing . Drive a car ( a bus , a tractor , a truck )
The definition of competitive chase driving should be grasped from both subjective and objective aspects and distinguished from the usually called drag racing .
Also provides a drag racing , drunk driving behavior , which also constitutes another crime , according to a heavier penalty be convicted and punished .
The third part , through the dispute of case Hu Bin drag racing to compare and analyze the case of similar to the characteristics of the composition of the crime .
The girl had been attempting to gain her licence for junior dragster racing , the Australia National Drag Racing Association ( Andra ) said .
As a result of the accident , Western Australia has now suspended junior racing at the Perth Motorplex , the state 's only drag racing arena .
In recent years ," drunk driving "," drag racing " lead to a vicious criminal cases often found in newspapers , time and again challenged the public and the legal tolerance limit .
" Crazy drag racing " is a completely self-developed by the people a sense of a large body style racing game , this small series of these two racing games do a comparison .
The 19-year-old singer had earlier appeared in court after he was arrested for drunk driving and resisting arrest while allegedly drag racing in Miami early Thursday morning .
In this section , in close connection with the case of the drag racing Hu Bin . To understand and sought to clear properties of motorcycle drag racing nature of the act .
Carefully observe the " crazy drag racing " look and feel in colors black and red used on the best mix and match , and red is most likely to be received in color vision .
The face of gaming city to catch fish , drag racing , fighting the temptation of such games will not affect the child 's health and learning , this series of problems is worrying people .
Hu Bin , drag racing case in terms of subjective or objective state of mind to analyze the dangerous means are not consistent with the crime of endangering public safety can not be dangerous driving charge .
This part firstly make recommendations in increasing types of dangerous driving behavior to respond the dangerous driving behavior that are considerable dangerous and enough to be a serious threat to public safety with drunk driving , drag racing in urban areas .
Since the complexity of traffic accident crime , there are several problems in the legislation and judicial practice . Also , some hot issues such as drunken driving , drag racing have emerged continuously . So these problems are waiting for us to solve .
In the evening of 4 August 2009 , took place in Hangzhou , Zhejiang pedestrian accident killed drag racing , followed by Chengdu Sun Weiming drunken driving causing death in four injuries , Nanjing Ming-Bao drunken driving caused five deaths and four injury .
In my view , the prevalence of drunk driving , drag racing behaviour in traffic crime , such a theory of criminal regulations to dangerous driving lethal injury situation left a legal gap , adapt is also contrary to the principles of legality and guilt in criminal law principles .
Although both of the drivers claimed the accident was caused by the slippery road conditions at the entrance of the tunnel , the state of the crash scene led Chinese internet users to speculate that the pair had been ' drag racing ' , which is illegal in China .
Bieber has been a favourite paparazzi target and has had several run-ins with the law.In August , he pleaded guilty to careless driving and resisting an officer without violence in Florida , part of a deal to resolve allegations that he had been drag racing in a Lamborghini under the influence of drugs and alcohol.In July ,